I am a movement efficiency consultant. I work with individuals and companies on their (or their employees’) dynamic posture meaning how they use muscles and skeleton in everyday movement to help with pain management and minimize the long-term wear and tear on their bodies. This reduces workplace injury and healthcare costs. In addition, I teach focus development and anxiety management using the relation between the brain, body and nervous system.

I’m currently working on a book about the interplay between neurology, the body and our nervous system. It should be out next Fall.

Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique is a transformative method designed to improve posture, movement, and overall well-being. By focusing on the body's alignment and habitual movements, this technique helps you gain better control over your physical and mental states, reducing tension and enhancing performance.

Functional Awareness and Kinesthesiology

Functional Awareness is all about understanding and optimizing how your body moves in everyday activities. It combines principles of body mechanics and mindfulness to help you perform tasks more effectively and with less strain.

Voice Lessons

Voice lessons are often associated with actors and performers, but their benefits extend far beyond the stage. Whether you’re an aspiring actor, a business professional, or someone who simply wants to enhance their communication skills, voice training can offer invaluable advantages. Here’s why investing in voice lessons can be a game-changer for everyone.